Hi friends! As some of you may or may not know.. I have been absent from scrapbooking & all the fun stuff that goes along with it for too long. My 88 year old mom under went colon surgery in early June & still has to recover. She is currently in a skilled nursing facility undergoing rehab, but after 40 plus days of laying in hospitals & rehab centers she is showing little spirit to get stronger at this time. She has wonderful nursing & staff that genuinely care, so that may help! Anyone who has been through this can relate to the non stop trips to hospital, insurance, social workers etc etc. It can make your heart ache & your head spin all at the same time! Plus our Mom is still very sharp & cannot understand why we can not bring her home. She needs the 24 hour care & we just cannot give her that. I know she has lived a full life- and would love to be whole, however she also says she is tired & ready to start the next journey. I just want want peace for her... is that too much? Her small frail body breaks my heart... I just want peace.
I miss you guys & have promised myself that I am going to make an attempt to answer & reply to comments, visit blogs & do forums. I need to do that....... I need all of you!! Thanks friends!