Hi friends! As some of you may or may not know.. I have been absent from scrapbooking & all the fun stuff that goes along with it for too long. My 88 year old mom under went colon surgery in early June & still has to recover. She is currently in a skilled nursing facility undergoing rehab, but after 40 plus days of laying in hospitals & rehab centers she is showing little spirit to get stronger at this time. She has wonderful nursing & staff that genuinely care, so that may help! Anyone who has been through this can relate to the non stop trips to hospital, insurance, social workers etc etc. It can make your heart ache & your head spin all at the same time! Plus our Mom is still very sharp & cannot understand why we can not bring her home. She needs the 24 hour care & we just cannot give her that. I know she has lived a full life- and would love to be whole, however she also says she is tired & ready to start the next journey. I just want want peace for her... is that too much? Her small frail body breaks my heart... I just want peace.
I miss you guys & have promised myself that I am going to make an attempt to answer & reply to comments, visit blogs & do forums. I need to do that....... I need all of you!! Thanks friends!
Dear Lynn, My heart goes out to you and your mom. I have missed seeing your latest work, and wondered what you were up to. My husband and I took care of his mother until she died, and the last couple of years, we had to hire people to be with her when we were unable. During the last 4-5 years of her life there were numerous hospitalizations, and a couple of nursing home stays. It was VERY hard. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you, and understand what you are going through. This too shall pass. Beth
Oh sweetie, I'm so very sorry that your Mom is not doing well. I will keep her (and you) in my prayers. I totally know what you mean about your head spinning as I have been there also. It's so hard to watch our parents grow old!!! Thank you for stopping by my blog today and I'm so looking forward to your beautiful LO's again!!! Take care hun!!!!
Sorry to hear about your Mom, but thanks for the update. I miss you and your beautiful artwork and hope you'll be back soon!
Hi Lynn, thanks for commenting on my blog today. So sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time, but am thinking of you and of course your Mum.
Dear Lynn,
I can only imagine what you are going through. I really think of you and send you my biggest hugs. We lost our grandmother in November, with a very similar situation. Hang in there, girl!
Lynn, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I just went through this with my Mom this past Feb and March. It is so hard ... so I am hoping that all these prayers will lift you up and help carry you through this time! Hugs
Your a great daughter taking care of your Mother. Thinking good thoughts for you.
so sorry to hear the struggles your mom and your family are going through! These things can be so difficult. My dh's dad just passed away July 22, at the age of 86, and it was so difficult for dh's mom, who just turned 90. She too, is very sharp and doesn't know what she will do without her George. You and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts! Praying for as speedy of a recovery as possible! Blessings!
I was just looking at your blog the other day and wondering where you have been. I have been a big Fan of yours for years but don't leave many comments, if any, but I am today. So sorry to hear about your Mom. I've been there also with my Dad about 5 years ago and I took care of him till he just got to sick to be at home then spent more than half my time at the Hospital, then Hospice than I spent at home. Spent many nights at the hospital and Thank God for understanding Nurses. I know what your going through and probably somewhat how you feel, it's very exhausting. It's so hard to see your parents not their normal self and harder on them to not be their normal self especially when they are so clear thinking and their body isn't cooperating. Well spend as much time as you can with your Mom and when you get the chance we will all be here waiting to see your next work of art! Take Care and I will keep Your Mom and You in my thoughts and prayers.
Froggie ((Hugs)) Theresa
I usually don't leave comments with a blog but my heart and thoughts are with you and your family. It is not easy with everything you have to go through so keep strong and as happy as possible because the people around you will pick up on that. My prayers and thoughts are with you that everything will work out fine in the end.
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My grandmother was so sick for so long that she too was ready to move on. Although it was hard for all of us, I understood her desire. I hope you all find peace and have mended hearts. I look forward to seeing more from you. Take care.
Hi Lynn, So sorry to hear that your Mom is ill. She is lucky to have you! You and your family are in prayers. Your scrapping friends will be here when you are able to return! Take care!
Thinkingof you, and if you are not too busy have sent an email. Lynn x
Oh wow! I'm saying an extra prayer for you, your mom and your family during this trying time.
My heart goes out to you Lynn, having gone through a similar thing with my DH's mom I have an idea what you are going through. Sending loads of (((HUGS))) your way hon! Hope you are leaving a little 'me' time for yourself. xx
~Gabi :)
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