Friday, January 9, 2009

Those Crazy Punch Sizes!

I just love the Marvy Uchida punches, however I have noticed they have some really crazy, confusing size names! Is a Mega punch larger than a Jumbo? What about the Gigantic Mega Large? If that were not confusing enough you then have the 1 3/8 inch versus the 1 1/2 size! Well, I found this on the Marvy website & want to share it! It is a single page, printable, guide to the the Marvy punches with images the actual size of their punches!! I loved this! Especially for purchasing online when you can not see the size of the punch! So here is the link! Just scroll down to the printable pdf file after you enter the site! I hope you find this helpful!

Thanks for stopping by! :)


jacque4u2c said...

This such a great post! I have often thought this myself. Thanks for the pdf info....

Peggy said...

You're a clever lady, and a sweet one too, sharing this with us! Thanks Lynn
xxx Peggy


I wish I had known this info a week ago! I ordered a punch online and it arrived today. It's HUGE!!! I think I could use it for a door stop!! LOL I posted about it at MCS.

Thanks for sharing this info. I'm sure it will be very helpful to people!

Love your challenge layout Lynn! Gorgeous!!

Gabrielle Pollacco said...

This is a great source to check out especially for us online shoppers!!! thanks Lynn!!


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